

TI-FRIS Report


TI-FRIS External Review Report


Program Information Session Material


TI-FRIS logo

■ Intended use

TI-FRIS participating institutions may use the TI-FRIS logo in the following cases.
・When used for the purpose of introducing TI-FRIS
・When publicizing TI-FRIS' performance

■ Unauthorized use (Prohibited acts)

In using the TI-FRIS logo, users are prohibited from the following actions.
・Use TI-FRIS logo, other than the intended use above, without permission from TI-FRIS Secretariat.
・Transformation, processing, or alteration of the TI-FRIS logo.
・Combining the TI-FRIS logo with other text, graphics, images, etc.
・Create the misleading impression that it is combined with text, graphics, images, by placing the TI-FRIS logo to the insufficient space.
■TI-FRIS logo Download